WIND! I hate it. Actually the first part of today was easy, we had a nice tailwind, a very strong tailwind, the only issue is that we had to ride on Interstate 80, our first highway riding experience of the trip. Wide shoulders, but lots of gravel in them and lots of trucks going 70-80mph! Then we turned south off of the highway and hit some crosswinds which wasn't pleasant and the rest of the day we had very strong headwinds...
But, we did go through Sinclair Wyoming, which apparently is the home to the Sinclair oil refinery. (picture above).

There is Riverside way off to the distance, actually only about 5 miles, but with the wind it didn't feel like downhill or 5 miles! Tomorrow we plan to make it to Rand, Colorado, which will be our fifth state. Counting today we've gone 1700 miles! Not too shabby.
Keep up the good work, Kuges. Caroline wants to know if she can ride with you in her bike trailer? She says that you'll hardly know she's there.
Wow, Kugel, you're amazing! LOVE the pictures!! Keep up the good work!
Ms. Kugel;
No stinkin headwind is no match for you with a destination. Wicked good ride you're taking us on. Large thanks. Ricky B
Hey Kel, awesome pictures so far (esp that oil refinery!) keep up the good work (behind the camera and the handlebars) and hopefully we will get to talk again soon!
Hey (future) Neighbor. Hell of a job you're doing there. It's a long way to Davis Sq. but it's worth it. Love the Jack-A-Lope photos especially. More large animal sign photos if you see them.
See you soon. -Si
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